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    The Science of Natural Stone Restoration: Behind the Techniques Used by NOVA Stone Care

    The Science of Natural Stone Restoration: Behind the Techniques Used by NOVA Stone Care:

    Natural stone surfaces are more than just aesthetic additions to your home; they are investments that require expert care to maintain their beauty and durability. At NOVA Stone Care, we combine art and science to restore these surfaces to their original splendor. In this post, we delve into the science behind natural stone restoration and the advanced techniques we use to achieve stunning results.

    Understanding Natural Stone

    Natural stone surfaces, such as marble, granite, limestone, and travertine, are formed through geological processes that give each stone its unique properties. These stones are composed of minerals that determine their hardness, porosity, and susceptibility to damage. Understanding these properties is crucial for effective restoration.

    The Science Behind Stone Damage

    Several factors contribute to the wear and tear of natural stone surfaces:

    • Physical Damage: Scratches, chips, and cracks can occur from everyday use and accidental impacts.
    • Chemical Damage: Exposure to acidic substances (e.g., vinegar, lemon juice) can cause etching, especially in calcium-based stones like marble and limestone.
    • Environmental Factors: Dirt, grime, and pollution can accumulate on stone surfaces, dulling their appearance.

    NOVA Stone Care’s Restoration Techniques

    At NOVA Stone Care, we employ a range of scientific techniques to address the various forms of damage and restore natural stone surfaces to their original beauty.

    1. Assessment and Analysis

    The first step in any restoration project is a thorough assessment of the stone surface. This includes:

    • Visual Inspection: Identifying visible damage such as scratches, stains, and etching.
    • Hardness Testing: Determining the stone’s hardness to select appropriate restoration methods.
    • Porosity Testing: Assessing the stone’s porosity to understand its susceptibility to staining and absorption of restoration products.

    2. Deep Cleaning

    Effective restoration begins with deep cleaning to remove dirt, grime, and stains. We use:

    • pH-Neutral Cleaners: Safe for all types of stone, these cleaners break down dirt without causing damage.
    • Mechanical Agitation: Soft brushes and pads gently lift contaminants from the stone’s surface.

    3. Grinding and Honing

    For stones with significant surface damage, we use grinding and honing techniques:

    • Grinding: This process involves using diamond-impregnated pads to remove the top layer of the stone, eliminating deep scratches and surface imperfections.
    • Honing: Following grinding, honing smooths the stone with finer abrasives, creating a matte or satin finish.

    4. Polishing

    Polishing restores the stone’s natural shine and luster:

    • Polishing Compounds: Specialized powders and compounds are used to buff the stone, enhancing its color and reflective properties.
    • Mechanical Polishers: High-speed polishers equipped with diamond pads achieve a glossy, mirror-like finish.

    5. Stain Removal

    Stubborn stains require targeted treatment:

    • Poultices: A paste made from absorbent materials and chemical cleaners is applied to draw out stains from the stone.
    • Specialized Cleaners: Depending on the stain type (oil, organic, rust), we use specific cleaners formulated to dissolve and lift the stains.

    6. Sealing

    Sealing is essential for protecting the stone from future damage:

    • Penetrating Sealers: These sealers penetrate the stone’s surface, creating a protective barrier against stains and moisture without altering the stone’s appearance.
    • Topical Sealers: Applied to the stone’s surface, these sealers provide additional protection and can enhance the stone’s shine.

    7. Final Inspection and Maintenance Tips

    Once the restoration is complete, we conduct a final inspection to ensure quality. We also provide homeowners with maintenance tips to prolong the life of their stone surfaces:

    • Regular Cleaning: Using pH-neutral cleaners and soft cloths.
    • Preventive Measures: Using coasters, mats, and avoiding acidic substances on stone surfaces.
    • Periodic Sealing: Reapplying sealants as recommended to maintain protection.


    The science of natural stone restoration involves understanding the unique properties of each stone type and using advanced techniques to address specific forms of damage. At NOVA Stone Care, we combine expertise with cutting-edge technology to deliver outstanding restoration results. By following a meticulous process of assessment, cleaning, grinding, honing, polishing, stain removal, and sealing, we ensure your natural stone surfaces remain beautiful and durable for years to come.

    Invest in the longevity and beauty of your natural stone surfaces with NOVA Stone Care’s expert restoration services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can transform your stone from dull to dazzling. Interested in learning more about our natural stone restoration services or hiring NOVA Stone Care for your natural stone refinishing needs? Visit our website to find out more about who we are, what we do, and our level of expertise.

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    DIY vs. Professional: When Should You Hire a Natural Stone Restoration Expert?

    DIY vs. Professional: When Should You Hire a Natural Stone Restoration Expert?


    Natural stone surfaces lend timeless elegance to any space, but maintaining their beauty requires regular care and attention. From marble to granite, each type of stone comes with its own unique characteristics and maintenance needs. When faced with issues like scratches, stains, or dullness, homeowners often wonder whether to tackle the restoration themselves or seek professional help. In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of DIY restoration versus hiring a natural stone restoration expert, helping you make an informed decision for your stone surfaces.

    DIY Restoration:

    1. Cost Savings: One of the primary reasons homeowners opt for DIY restoration is to save money. DIY methods often involve using household products or inexpensive kits available in stores.
    2. Control Over Process: Doing it yourself gives you full control over the restoration process. You can choose the products and techniques that suit your preferences and schedule.
    3. Learning Experience: DIY restoration can be a learning opportunity, allowing homeowners to gain hands-on experience and develop skills for future maintenance tasks.

    However, DIY restoration also comes with its limitations and risks:

    1. Lack of Expertise: Natural stone restoration requires specialized knowledge and skills. Without proper training, DIY attempts may lead to further damage or unsatisfactory results.
    2. Time-Consuming: Achieving professional-quality results through DIY methods can be time-consuming, especially for larger or more complex restoration projects.
    3. Potential for Damage: Using the wrong products or techniques can harm your stone surfaces, potentially causing irreversible damage and leading to costly repairs.

    Professional Restoration:

    1. Expertise and Experience: Natural stone restoration experts possess the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to assess your surfaces accurately and deliver high-quality results.
    2. Time and Convenience: Hiring professionals saves you time and hassle. They can complete the restoration efficiently, minimizing disruption to your daily routine.
    3. Guaranteed Results: Reputable restoration companies often offer warranties or guarantees on their work, providing peace of mind and assurance of satisfactory outcomes.

    Despite the benefits, there are some considerations when hiring professionals:

    1. Cost: Professional restoration services may come at a higher upfront cost compared to DIY methods. However, considering the quality of results and potential long-term savings, it can be a worthwhile investment.
    2. Finding the Right Company: Not all restoration companies are created equal. Take the time to research and choose a reputable, experienced company like NOVA Stone Care that offers natural stone restoration services in DMV area and ensure the best outcome for your natural stone.


    Deciding whether to tackle natural stone restoration as a DIY project or hire a professional depends on various factors, including your budget, time constraints, and the condition of your surfaces. While DIY methods offer cost savings and a sense of control, they also carry risks and limitations. On the other hand, hiring a natural stone restoration expert like NOVA Stone Care ensures expertise, convenience, and guaranteed results. Whether you choose the DIY route or opt for professional assistance, prioritizing the proper care and maintenance of your natural stone surfaces will preserve their beauty and longevity for years to come.

    Looking for a Stone Repair Specialist in the Great DC Area?

    If you are searching for natural stone countertop restoration services in the Greater DC area, the specialists at NOVA Stone Care have you covered. We specialize in natural stone, and our team of professionals are experts at what they do.

    Interested in learning more? Visit our website to see who we are and check out our portfolio of work and list of services.

    To find out more about natural stone industry, visit Natural Stone Institute website. Check out our project gallery section for more info and pictures.

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    The Ultimate Guide to Natural Stone Restoration by NOVA Stone Care Experts

    The Ultimate Guide to Natural Stone Restoration by NOVA Stone Care Experts. Welcome to the ultimate guide to natural stone restoration, brought to you by the experts at NOVA Stone Care. As industry leaders in stone restoration and preservation, we understand the significance of maintaining the timeless beauty of natural stone surfaces. Whether you’re dealing with marble, granite, limestone, travertine, or other types of natural stone, our comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to restore your surfaces to their former glory.

    1. Assessing Your Stone Surfaces:

      • Before embarking on any restoration project, it’s crucial to assess the condition of your stone surfaces. Our experienced technicians at NOVA Stone Care utilize advanced techniques to identify imperfections, including scratches, stains, etching, and dullness. This initial assessment allows us to develop a tailored restoration plan for each unique surface.
    2. Customized Restoration Solutions:

      • At NOVA Stone Care, we understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to natural stone restoration. That’s why we offer customized solutions based on the type of stone, its condition, and your specific restoration goals. Whether your surfaces require honing, polishing, stain removal, crack repair, or sealing, our skilled technicians employ the latest techniques and premium products to deliver superior results.
    3. State-of-the-Art Restoration Techniques:

      • Our team at NOVA Stone Care utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and industry-leading techniques to achieve unparalleled results in natural stone restoration. From diamond abrasives for honing and polishing to specialized poultices for stain removal, we employ the most advanced tools and methods to revive the beauty of your stone surfaces with precision and efficiency.
    4. Commitment to Environmental Responsibility:

      • At NOVA Stone Care, we prioritize environmental responsibility in all aspects of our operations. We utilize eco-friendly cleaning solutions and restoration techniques that minimize environmental impact while delivering exceptional results. Our commitment to sustainability ensures that your natural stone surfaces are not only restored to their original splendor but also preserved for future generations to enjoy.
    5. Ongoing Maintenance and Care:

      • Beyond restoration, NOVA Stone Care offers comprehensive maintenance and care services to prolong the lifespan of your natural stone surfaces. Our expert technicians provide personalized maintenance plans tailored to your specific needs, including regular cleaning, resealing, and proactive maintenance to prevent future damage and ensure long-lasting beauty.


    In conclusion, natural stone restoration is a specialized art that requires expertise, precision, and dedication to excellence. With NOVA Stone Care as your trusted partner, you can rest assured that your stone surfaces are in the hands of experienced professionals who are committed to delivering outstanding results. Say goodbye to dull and damaged stone surfaces and hello to the timeless beauty of restored natural stone with NOVA Stone Care. Interested in learning more about our services or hiring NOVA Stone Care for your natural stone refinishing needs? Visit our website to find out more about who we are, what we do, and our level of expertise.

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    How NOVA Stone Care Repairs Seams on Natural Stone Countertops

    How NOVA Stone Care Repairs Seams on Natural Stone Countertops


    Natural stone countertops exude elegance and sophistication, but over time, seams can develop, detracting from their beauty. If you’re facing this issue, NOVA Stone Care is here to provide seamless repair solutions. In this blog post, we’ll delve into how NOVA Stone Care expertly repairs seams on natural stone countertops, ensuring lasting beauty and functionality.

    Identifying the Problem

    Seams on natural stone countertops can arise due to various factors like settling, structural shifts, or simply wear and tear. These imperfections not only affect the aesthetic appeal but can also compromise the integrity of the countertop. NOVA Stone Care understands the importance of addressing these issues promptly and effectively.


    Assessment and Customized Solutions

    The first step in NOVA Stone Care’s repair process is a comprehensive assessment of the countertop. Our skilled technicians meticulously inspect the seam, considering factors such as the type of stone and the extent of the damage. This allows us to tailor a customized solution to seamlessly restore your countertop’s beauty.

    Precision Repair Techniques

    At NOVA Stone Care, we employ precision repair techniques to address seams on natural stone countertops. Our technicians utilize specialized tools and materials to carefully realign and rejoin the separated sections of the countertop. The result is a seamless repair that blends flawlessly with the surrounding stone, ensuring a visually appealing finish.


    `Advanced Color Matching

    Matching the color of the repaired seam to the surrounding natural stone is crucial for achieving a seamless finish. NOVA Stone Care utilizes advanced color-matching techniques to ensure a perfect blend. By meticulously matching the hue and texture of the surrounding stone, we deliver results that exceed expectations.


    Sealing for Protection

    Once the repair is complete, NOVA Stone Care applies a high-quality sealant to protect the countertop from future damage. This sealant not only enhances the durability of the countertop but also preserves its beauty over time. Our sealing process ensures that your countertop remains pristine for years to come.



    NOVA Stone Care’s expertise in repairing seams on natural stone countertops is unmatched. Our meticulous approach, precision techniques, and commitment to quality ensure that your countertop receives the care it deserves. If you’re dealing with seam issues on your natural stone countertop, trust NOVA Stone Care to deliver seamless solutions that restore its beauty and functionality. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the difference firsthand.

    If you are looking for seam repair services in Northern VirginiaNOVA Stone Care has you covered. Visit the company website to learn more.

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    Natural Stone Damage – Spalling Explained

    Natural Stone Damage – Spalling Explained

    Natural stone has been a timeless choice for architectural and design purposes, offering unparalleled beauty and durability. However, even the sturdiest of materials are not immune to wear and tear. In this blog post, we delve into a common natural stone woe: spalling. What is spalling, and how can you prevent and address this issue? Let’s uncover the layers of natural stone damage.

    What is Spalling?

    Spalling refers to the deterioration of a material’s surface, often resulting in the flaking or chipping of layers. In the context of natural stone, spalling can occur due to various factors, including weathering, freeze-thaw cycles, and structural stresses. This phenomenon is particularly common in regions with extreme temperature fluctuations.

    Causes of Natural Stone Spalling:

    • Freeze-Thaw Cycles:
      • In colder climates, water can seep into the pores of natural stone.
      • When the water freezes, it expands, putting pressure on the stone and causing it to crack and flake.
    • Weathering:
      • Exposure to harsh weather conditions, such as rain, wind, and UV rays, can contribute to the breakdown of the stone’s surface.
    • Structural Stresses:
      • Poorly designed structures or inadequate support can lead to uneven weight distribution on natural stone surfaces, accelerating spalling.

    Prevention Techniques:

    • Sealing:
      • Regularly seal natural stone surfaces to create a protective barrier against moisture infiltration.
    • Proper Installation:
      • Ensure that natural stone is installed with proper drainage systems to prevent water accumulation.
    • Structural Assessment:
      • Conduct periodic structural assessments to identify and address issues that may contribute to uneven stresses on the stone.
    • Choose Resilient Stone Types:
      • Opt for natural stone varieties known for their resistance to spalling, such as granite or limestone.

    Addressing Spalling:

    • Surface Repair:
      • Small spalled areas can often be repaired using specialized stone patching materials.
    • Professional Restoration:
      • For extensive damage, consider hiring professionals like NOVA Stone Care for stone restoration services to bring your surfaces back to their original glory.


    Natural stone adds an unmatched aesthetic appeal to any space, but understanding and addressing potential issues like spalling is crucial for its longevity. By taking preventive measures and promptly addressing damage, you can ensure that your natural stone surfaces stand the test of time, weathering challenges with grace.

    Incorporating these insights into your stone maintenance routine will not only enhance the longevity of your natural stone but also preserve its timeless beauty for generations to come.

    To find out more about natural stone industry, visit Natural Stone Institute website. Check out our project gallery section for more info and pictures.

    We breathe life into your stone. 

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    Discovering Limestone

    Discovering Limestone: A Journey Through Time and Science. Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is composed primarily of calcium carbonate. It is a very versatile rock that has been used for thousands of years for a variety of purposes, including construction, agriculture, and industry. But where did this rock come from, and how did humans first discover it?

    The History 

    The story of limestone begins deep in the earth’s history, over hundreds of millions of years ago. Limestone is formed from the accumulation of shells, coral, and other organic material that has been compressed and cemented over time. This process takes place in shallow seas and oceans, where the calcium-rich sediment is deposited on the seafloor. Over time, the sediment becomes compacted and cemented together to form a rock.

    The earliest known use of limestone dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, who used it as a building material for their pyramids and temples. Limestone was also used by the Greeks and Romans, who carved it into sculptures and used it for building construction. In the Middle Ages, limestone was used to build Gothic cathedrals and castles, and it remains a popular building material today.

    It wasn’t until the 19th century that scientists began to understand the true nature of limestone and how it was formed. Geologists such as William Smith and James Hutton were some of the first to study the rock and understand its origins. They discovered that limestone was formed from the accumulation of sediment over millions of years and that it could provide valuable insights into the earth’s history.

    Today, limestone is still widely used for construction, agriculture, and industry. It is also an important resource for geologists, who continue to study the rock to gain a better understanding of the earth’s history. Limestone has also been used as a source of lime, which is used in a variety of products, including mortar, cement, and sugar refining.


    Tumbled Limestone Floors


    Limestone is a fascinating rock that has played a significant role in human history and continues to be an important resource today. From its humble origins as sediment in ancient oceans, to its use in building some of the world’s most iconic structures, limestone has proven to be a versatile and enduring rock that continues to capture the imagination of scientists and the public alike. To find out more about natural stone industry, visit Natural Stone Institute website. Check out our project gallery section for more info and pictures. 

    We breathe life into your stone. 

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    A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Stone Maintenance and Restoration

    If you have marble or granite countertops, floors, or fixtures in your home, you may have noticed these natural stones can crack, chip, dull, and start to unseal over time. But how can you get those surfaces looking like new and back to their previous luster? In this guide, we will cover natural stone maintenance and restoration practices that will help you restore the stone in your home to its original glory. 


    Cleaning Stone Tiles, Counters, and Other Fixtures

    In terms of basic maintenance of the natural stone in your home, this is something you can do to keep your stone countertops and floors looking good. What most folks do not realize is that natural stone can be damaged by everyday cleaning solutions and the tools that we commonly use to clean floors and countertops in our homes.

    Avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals on your stone floors and countertops and do not use cleaning tools—mops, sponges, rags, etc. that may have color dyes that can transfer and embed into natural stone. And it goes without saying but we are going to say it anyway—no steel wool or abrasive materials that could seriously scratch and scuff things up.


    What to Use Instead: pH Neutral Cleaning Products

    It is recommended that you clean natural stone surfaces with pH neutral cleaning solutions. Not only is it best to avoid using bleach on these surfaces, but you should also avoid using vinegar-based products as well? Why? These cleaners are high in acidity and too harsh. Using these cleaners can damage and weaken the stone.


    Repairing the Damage After its Done

    If your floors are already scratched and your countertops are looking rough, DIY solutions may seem like an innovative idea. However, you can do more damage than good trying to tackle that project and doing it improperly. Professionals working at natural stone maintenance and restoration companies have years of experience in crack and chip repair, countertop resealing, shower restoration, and polishing.

    A word of caution with your natural stone countertops. Because natural stone is porous, it is very important to maintain the sealing on your kitchen surfaces. Why? Because bacteria can embed itself on these surfaces and lie-in-wait. This can pose health concerns and put you and your family at-risk.


    Looking for a Natural Stone Care Maintenance Company in Northern Virginia?

    If you are looking for a reputable company to breathe life back into the natural stone surfaces in your home, NOVA Stone Care is owned and operated in Northern Virginia. With a reputation for excellent customer service and an expertise in the restoration of marble, granite, limestone, travertine, and other types of stones, our stone technicians have the experience to get the job done right. Interested in learning more? Visit our website for a list of our services and check out our portfolio of work, which speaks for itself. 

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    The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Natural Stone Restoration Company

    stone restoration countertop - company

    If you have a lot of natural stone incorporated in your home décor, you may have noticed that its luster has faded over time. Wear over time can dull your natural stone surfaces and chips and cracks can form as well.

    Fortunately, there are professionals out there who specialize in restoring natural stone and getting it back to new. Start with a Localized Search

    With the internet in the palm of your hand, finding the services that you need has never been easier. The aggregate websites like Yelp have done all the heavy lifting. However, it is important to be specific when it comes to your keyword choices when searching for services in your area.

    If you are looking for granite restoration professionals in the Greater DC area, include your location in your search. This will help narrow down your search to local businesses that serve your area.

    Get Specific About the Services You are Searching

    Maybe you are looking for someone to reseal your granite countertops or need the chips and cracks worked out of some marble. Whatever service you are searching for, you should make sure to include these specifics among your keywords.

    Why? Because not every stone care company out there specializes in the same work. If you have multiple stone care needs, you will want to find a company that can manage everything so that you do not end up piecemealing services.

    Visit Natural Stone Restoration Company Websites

    Once you have identified a list of local stone care companies that provide the services that you are looking for, it is a smart idea to visit company websites. Business websites often include things like a portfolio of work, a breakdown of services, customer testimonials, and more. You will also get an idea of who they are and what they do and be able to better determine whether collaborating with them will be a good fit or not.

    Read the Customer Reviews

    It is also a great idea to see what other customers have to say about the quality of work a company provides. Browsing through customer reviews is a fantastic way to get a sense of the level of customer service a company provides as well as find out if people were happy with the work. Looking to have the natural stone in your home restored?  From shower restoration to floor polishing and everything in between, We at NOVA Stone Care have the expertise to get the job done right. Locally owned and operated in the Greater DC area, our stone care experts are ready to tackle your project. Interested in learning more? Visit our website and contact us for a quote.

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    Travertine Floor Polishing Service: DIY vs Professional Services

    travertine Floor

    Travertine Floor Polishing Service: DIY vs Professional Services. If the flooring in your home has been looking like it has lost its luster, you might be thinking about ways you can breathe a little more life into them and get them looking like new again. Maybe you consider yourself savvy when it comes to DIY hacks and think you’ve found the perfect YouTube DIY floor polishing video that recommends a particular brand of lemon-based cleaner (spoiler alert – this is how you get ants!).

    So, do you tackle that DIY home floor polishing project armed with Home Depot equipment rentals and pull up your bootstraps. On one hand, scoring those type of points with your significant other can be priceless but on the other, a botched DIY floor polishing project will end up costing you more than hiring a professional to do the job.

    1. DIY Hacks: Expectation vs. Reality

    Insert every classic expectation vs. reality meme here. The best way to illustrate this point is with a good analogy. If you’re an adult over thirty and have no idea who Bob Ross is, then you need to go watch some PBS reruns because this reference will go right over your head (and honestly, your life is a little emptier without ever having experienced ‘The Joy of Painting’).

    The show featured artist Bob Ross narrating painting techniques as he would create beautiful landscape art in an instructional fashion. The idea was for the audience to gain skills and (while most of us didn’t) join in painting along. A simple Google search of Bob Ross painting attempts will yield a slew of results. While admittedly, there are folks that shine in the world of amateur painters…most folks do not walk away with a masterpiece or a painting that looks like it was done by a skilled professional.

    2. You Could End Up Damaging the Stone

    There are many mistakes that can be made by amateurs who rent diamond cut (this is a big no-no!) polishing equipment and think that they have the skills and knowledge to get the job done and save the cost of hiring an expert. However, there are a number of ways that you can jack up your floors.

    From over-polishing that results in overly slippery hazardous surfaces to a job that actually weakens the seals (granite and other stone surfaces are porous). It is easy to misstep when you aren’t a professional. Unfortunately, these types of missteps can cost you more money than you would have spent for a simple polishing job—especially if you need to do any resealing.

    3. Looking for Floor Polishing Services in Northern Virginia?

    If you’re searching for a good floor polishing service in the Greater Fairfax or DC area? Consider hiring NOVA Stone Care for travertine polishing and sealing. Hiring a professional to polish your floors for you will ensure that the job is done right the first time.

    The experts at NOVA Stone Care can handle your travertine floor polishing service. Locally owned and operated, we’ll get your floors looking new with little fuss. Interested in learning more about who we are and what we do. Visit our website.

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    chip and crack repair

    Benefits of Using Chip and Crack Repair Services

    NOVA Stone Care Chip Repair On the Granite Countertop


    Benefits of using chip and crack repair services. Do you have marble or granite countertops in your bathroom or kitchen that over time, have seen their share of use? It is natural for stone to lose the luster it had when you first moved in and before the countertops had years of use.


    Fortunately, restoring your stone countertops to their original glory isn’t an improbable feat. Natural stone is easily workable due to its porous nature. But what are the benefits of hiring professional stone chip and crack repair services and is it worth it?


    Is Contracting Chip and Crack Repair Services Worth It? 


    The short answer is yes, hiring professionals to repair the chips and cracks in your stone countertops and any other stone surfaces you want buffed out within your home is worth it. From countertop refinishing to shower restoration, a good stone care expert can get marble or granite surfaces looking like new.


    From a cost perspective, hiring a chip and crack repair specialist is totally worth it because the alternative is full installation of new stone or gutting it out completely for a complete remodel with new materials. Unless you’re a maverick or specialize in home renovation or construction in general, major home renovation projects usually involve hiring out for a contractor and cause some amount of disruption at home.


    But are the Savings Significant?


    Sourcing natural stone is not cheap (marble and granite work is usually quite pricey unless you have an inside deal), it doesn’t take a bunch of complicated math to add up the fact that hiring professionals to repair rather than replace your home’s stone surfaces is more cost effective and will save you a pretty penny in the long run.


    Why Should You Care About Chips and Cracks in Countertop Surfaces?


    A good stone worker will be able to easily color match and spot buff stone surfaces in over to fix any cracks, fractures or chips that have compromised the stone surfaces in your home. While there are some aesthetic reasons for repairing your granite or marble countertops (and other stone surfaces in your home), there is also some concern around health considerations in your kitchen.


    As mentioned above, natural stone materials are quite porous. When scratches and later bigger cracks and chips begin to form on stone kitchen countertops, they can become hotbeds for bacteria. You can probably guess why this is problematic for an area where the food your family consumes is prepped and cooked. In fact, granite and marble countertops need to be sealed properly to prevent foods and liquids from compromising more weathered countertops. 


    Looking for Chip Repair Services Near You?


    If you’re in search of expert stone care professionals in Northern Virginia and the Greater DC area, NOVA Stone Care is based out of Northern Virginia. Our stone care professionals can help you breathe new life into the stone surfaces in your home. Our chip and crack repair services are next level—interested in learning more? Give us a call, and we’ll answer any questions you may have.

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